§ 2.4. Historic Preservation Board.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Establishment. The Historic Preservation Board is hereby established to serve as the primary body responsible for furthering historic preservation within the City. The board shall provide for and protect the resources of the City having special historic, community, architectural, or archaeological value.


    Powers and Duties. The Historic Preservation Board shall have the following powers and duties under this Code:


    General Powers and Duties.


    To adopt bylaws and rules governing its proceedings, conduct regular public meetings, call special meetings;


    To establish, maintain, and update the official local register of historic sites and districts;


    To review and comment on any nominations to the National Register of Historic Places;


    To advise and assist owners of historic sites or structures within historic districts on physical and financial aspects of preservation, renovation, rehabilitation, and reuse, and procedures for listing on the local register and National Register of Historic Places;


    To develop programs to stimulate public interest in urban neighborhood conservation, and to participate in the adoption and amendment of Codes, ordinances, procedures, and programs that reflect urban neighborhood conservation policies and goals;


    To explore funding and grant sources which might be available for the identification, protection, enhancement, perpetuation, and use of historic, architectural, archaeological, and cultural resources, and to advise property owners of availability of funds or grants;


    To develop additional design guidelines for alteration, construction, or relocation of individual sites and structures within specific historic districts where necessary or appropriate;


    To work with agencies at all levels of government in planning proposed and future projects to reflect the concerns and policies expressed herein and assist in the development of proposed and future land use plans;


    To confer recognition upon the owners of individual sites or property or structures within historic districts by means of certificates, plaques, or markers;


    To participate in pertinent informational or educational meetings, workshops, or conferences;


    To undertake any other action or activity necessary or appropriate to the implementation of its power and duties or to implementation of the purpose of historic preservation, including requesting independent expertise and advice from professionals and to assure adequate support to become a certified local government capable of performing the duties required by the certified local government program; and


    To assist staff to provide any appropriate documentation, including this Code, the local register of historic places and sites, and any surveys and zoning maps of those sites designated as historic, to FEMA and any other catastrophe management organization in the event a disaster triggering extraterritorial assistance affects the City;


    To provide a report to the State Historic Preservation Officer by November 1 of each year for the prior period from October 1 through September 30, to include at least:


    A copy of the rules of procedure;


    A copy of the historic preservation provisions of this Code;


    Resumes of board members;


    Changes to the board's membership;


    Newly designated historic properties;


    New National Register listings within the City;


    A review of survey and inventory activity describing the system used to survey and inventory;


    A program report on each grant-assisted activity; and


    The number of projects reviewed.


    To carry out any other powers and duties delegated to it by the City Commission, in accordance with State law.


    Decide Applications for a Development Permit. To review and decide applications for a Major Certificate of Appropriateness (Section 3.4.J.3).


    Nominate and Make Recommendations on Individual Sites and Districts to the Local Register of Historic Places and for Historic Overlay Zoning. To review, nominate, make a recommendation, and submit documentation to the Planning Board and City Commission on individual sites and districts proposed for listing on the local register of historic places and classification as a Historic Overlay zoning district (Section 3.4.E).


    Make Recommendations on Application for a Development Permit. To review and make a recommendation on the following applications for a development permit when they involve land within a Historic Overlay district:


    Site-Specific Zoning District Map Amendment (Section 3.4.D);


    Planned Development (Section 3.4.F);


    Special Use Permit (Section 3.4.G); and


    Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat (Section 3.4.K.3).


    Membership, Appointment, and Terms of Office.


    The Historic Preservation Board shall consist of nine members appointed by the City Commission as a whole.


    Board members shall include one member nominated by each City Commissioner and two members nominated by the Mayor. Members shall be appointed on the basis of civic pride, integrity, experience, interest in historic preservation, and the requirements necessary for the City to maintain status as a Certified Local Government. At least one member shall be an architect.


    A majority of board members shall be residents of the City.


    Board members shall be appointed for three-year, staggered terms, and may be appointed to successive terms. Members shall continue to serve until their successors are appointed.


    All vacancies shall be filled within 60 days unless an extension is granted by the State Historic Preservation Officer. Vacancies occurring for reasons other than expiration of terms shall be filled for the period of the unexpired term only. If a vacating member was nominated by a particular City Commissioner, the replacement member also shall be nominated by that commissioner.


    When new members are appointed to the board, information about the member shall be forwarded to the State Historic Preservation Officer within 30 days after appointment.


    Board members shall serve without compensation.


    Attendance. If a member of the Historic Preservation Board fails to attend three regularly scheduled board meetings during any 12-month period, the board shall consider the cause of the absences and if it deems it necessary, may request that the member resign or that the City Commission remove the member in accordance with subsection E below. The City Commission shall fill any vacancy created by resignation or removal of the board member in accordance with Section 2.4.C.5.


    Removal. Historic Preservation Board members serve at the pleasure of the City Commission and may be removed by the City Commission at any time, with or without cause. If a member is removed, the City Commission shall fill the vacancy in accordance with Section 2.4.C.5.


    Chair and Vice-Chair.


    The Historic Preservation Board shall elect a Chair, a Vice-Chair, and a Secretary from among its members, each to serve a one-year term. No member shall serve more than two consecutive terms as Chair. The Vice-Chair may be elected to successive terms without limitation.


    The Chair shall preside over all board meetings and shall have the right to vote. The Vice-Chair shall perform the duties of the Chair in the absence of the Chair. If both the Chair and Vice-Chair are absent, the board shall vote to determine who shall serve as acting Chair for the meeting.


    Staff. The City shall provide clerical and professional staff liaison to the Historic Preservation Board and shall provide for notification of board members of all meetings, the keeping of the minutes of the meetings, and administrative support.




    Schedule. The Historic Preservation Board shall adopt a schedule establishing the date, time, and location of regular meetings. Regular meetings may be cancelled upon a determination that there are no applications requiring consideration by the board. Staff may call special meetings of the board as needed.


    Official Record. The Historic Preservation Board shall keep a public record of its resolutions, proceedings, and actions. The public record shall be available to the public. Minutes of all board meetings and a record of attendance of both board members and the public at the meetings shall be provided to the State Historic Preservation Officer within 30 days after the meeting.


    Notice of Meetings. All Historic Preservation Board meetings shall be publicly announced and notice of all board meetings shall be provided to the State Historic Preservation Officer and the public at least 30 days before the meeting, and in accordance with the public hearing requirements in Section 3.3.E.3, Public Hearing Notice, where appropriate.


    Open Meetings. All meetings of the Historic Preservation Board shall be open to the public.


    Quorum and Necessary Vote.


    Quorum. Five members of the Historic Preservation Board shall constitute a quorum. No official business of the board shall be conducted without a quorum present.


    Voting. The affirmative vote of a majority of the Historic Preservation Board members present and voting is required to approve any item.


    Voting Conflicts. All board members shall comply with State law regarding voting conflicts.


    Rules of Procedure. The Historic Preservation Board may adopt rules of procedure governing its procedures and operations.


    Sunshine Law Requirements. All meetings and decisions of the board shall comply with State Sunshine Law requirements.