§ 3.2. Summary table.  

Latest version.
  • Table 3.2, Summary of Development Procedures, identifies the various development permits authorized by this Code and indicates the role staff and City boards have in making recommendations or decisions on applications for each type of development permit. It also identifies those applications that require a public hearing, and the type of public hearing (standard or quasi-judicial) involved. Also noted is whether a pre-application staff conference or neighborhood meeting is required. Reading table rows from left to right provides a summary view of the major steps involved with each type of application for a development permit.


    X = Staff Report R = Recommendation D= Decision
    < > = Standard Public Hearing [ ] = Quasi-Judicial Public Hearing
    M = Mandatory O = Optional

    Application Review Procedure
    Pre-Application Conference Neighborhood Meeting Review and Decision-Making Authorities
    City Staff Board of Building Codes Concurrency Appeals Board Wellfield Appeals Board Board of Adjustment Historic Preservation Board Redevelopment Board Planning Board City Commission
    Amendments and Planned Developments
    Text Amendment (Sec. 3.4.B)
    M X R <D>
    General Zoning District Map Amendment (Sec. 3.4.C) Note 10
    M O X R R <D>
    Site-Specific Zoning District Map Amendment (Sec. 3.4.D) Note 10
    M M X [R] [R] [R] [D]
    Historic Overlay Zoning District Map Amendment (Sec. 3.4.E)
    M M X [R] [R] [R] [D]
    Planned Development (Sec. 3.4.F) Note 10
    M M X [R] [R] [R] [D]
    Permits and Development Approvals
    Special Use Permit (Sec.3.4.G)
    M M X [R] [R] [R] [D]
    Public or Semipublic Use Permit (Sec. 3.4.H)
    M M X [R] [D]
    Major Site Plan
    (Sec. 3.4.I.2.b.i)
    Outside Redevelopment District
    M O X [D]
    Within Redevelopment District
    M O X [D]
    Minor Site Plan (Sec. 3.4.I.4)
    O D
    Major Certificate of Appropriateness (Sec. 3.4.J.3)
    M O X [D]
    Minor Certificate of Appropriateness (Sec. 3.4.J.4)
    O D
    Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat (Sec. 3.4.K.3)
    M O X [R] [R] [D]
    Minor Subdivision Plat (Sec. 3.4.K.4)
    O D
    Final Plat (Sec. 3.4.K.5)
    O X [D]
    Tree Removal Permit (Sec. 3.4.L)
    O D
    Wetlands Alteration Permit (Sec. 3.4.M)
    O D
    Wellfield Protection Permit (Sec. 3.4.N)
    O D
    Site Demolition and Restoration Permit (Sec. 3.4.O)
    O D
    Temporary Use Permit (Sec. 3.4.P.)
    O D
    Sign Permit (Sec. 3.4.Q)
    O D
    Floodplain Development Permit or Approval (Sec. 6.15.C. 10)
    Building Permit (Sec. 3.4.R)
    Certificate of Occupancy (Sec. 3.4.T)
    Relief Procedures
    Variance from Floodplain Management Regulations (Sec. 6.15.C.13.c) [D]
    Variance (Sec. 3.4.V) M [D]
    Administrative Adjustment (Sec. 3.4.W) O D
    Appeal (Sec. 3.4.Y) Of Historic Preservation Board's decision on a Major Certificate of Appropriateness application
    O [D]
    Of Redevelopment Board's decision
    O [D]
    Of City staff's development order, requirement, or determination, where the appeal involves the application of appearance-related standards of this Code in a Redevelopment area
    Of City staff's development order, requirement, or determination, where the appeal alleges an error in interpretation of the meaning of a provision of this Code
    O [D]
    Of City staff's development order, requirement, or determination, where the appeal requests a determination of disputed facts
    O [D]
    Of City staff's decision on a Wellfield Protection Permit
    Of City staff's decision on a Concurrency Certificate Determination or Concurrency Exemption Determination application
    O [D]
    Appeal of City staff's (Floodplain Administrator's) decision in administering and enforcing Section 6.14.C, Floodplain Management (Sec. 6.14.C.13.b)
    Appeal of City staff's decision in administering Building Code or Ch. 22 of the Code of Ordinances (Building Code) [D]
    Other Procedures
    Concurrency Certificate Determination (Sec. 3.4.Z.2) O D
    Transportation Concurrency Proportionate Share Agreement (Sec. 3.4.Z.3) M X [D]
    Concurrency Exemption Determination (Sec. 3.4.Z.3) O D
    Right-of-Way Vacation (Sec. 3.4.AA) O X R <D>
    Easement Abandonment (Sec. 3.4.BB) O X <D>
    Excess Boat Slip Allocation (Sec. 3.4.CC) O X [D]
    Comprehensive Plan Amendment M M X R <D>
    1. Proposals to amend this Code (including rezonings and planned developments) may trigger the need for a prior or concurrent small- or large-scale amendment of the comprehensive plan.
    2. The City Commission holds two public hearings on Text Amendment applications proposing to revise the Principal Use Tables (Section 5.2.A) to change the actual list of permitted uses, special uses, or prohibited uses within a zoning district.
    3. The City Commission holds two public hearings on General Zoning District Map Amendment, Site-Specific Zoning District Map Amendment, Historic Overlay Zoning District Map Amendment, or Planned Development applications initiated by the City and proposing the zoning of ten or more contiguous acres of land.
    4. The Historic Preservation Board reviews and makes a recommendation on applications subject to this note if they involve land within a Historic Overlay district.
    5. A Redevelopment Board reviews and makes a recommendation on applications subject to this note if they involve land within the Redevelopment district served by the board.
    6. The Planning Board does not review applications for a Public or Semipublic Use Permit by the City.
    7. A Floodplain Development Permits or Approval is decided by the Floodplain Administrator, who is the City Manager or a City staff member designated by the City Manager.
    8. Review procedures for Building Permits and Certificates of Occupancy, appeals of decisions on such permits/certificates, and other appeals involving construction Codes are established in the Florida Building Code, incorporated into this Code by reference, They are shown in this table because they closely relate to the review procedures described in this Code.
    9. Review procedures for comprehensive plan amendments are established in the Florida Statutes (F.S. 163.3184). It is shown in this table because an amendment to the comprehensive plan may be necessary to justify proposed changes to this Code.
    10. When non-residential development is proposed in Low Intensity Urban (LIU) Future Land Use areas within one-quarter mile of another jurisdictional boundary, the City shall notify the adjacent jurisdiction for their review and comment.


    (Ord. No. 18-139, § 2, 4-18-2018)
