§ 6.10. Signage.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Purpose. The purpose of these sign regulations is to:


    Enable the identification of places of residence and business.


    Allow for the communication of information necessary for the conduct of commerce.


    Reduce hazardous situations, confusion, and visual clutter caused by the unchecked proliferation, improper placement, illumination, animation, or excessive height, area, and bulk of signs, which compete for the attention of pedestrian and vehicular traffic.


    Enhance the attractiveness and economic wellbeing of the City as a place to live, vacation and conduct business.


    Protect the public from the dangers of signs that are unsafe due to poor construction or anchoring, use of substandard materials, or failure to maintain structural elements.


    Permit signs that (i) are compatible with their surroundings, (ii) aid orientation, and (iii) preclude placement of signs in a manner that conceals or obstructs adjacent land uses or signs.


    Encourage signs that are appropriate to the zoning district in which they are located and consistent with the category of use to which they pertain.


    Curtail the size and number of signs and sign messages to the minimum reasonably necessary to identify a residential or business location and the nature of any such business.


    Establish sign size in relationship to the scale of the lot and building on which the sign is to be placed or to which it pertains.


    Preclude signs from conflicting with the principal permitted use of the site or adjoining sites.


    Regulate signs in a manner so as to not interfere with, obstruct vision of or restrict motorists, bicyclists or pedestrians.


    Require signs to be constructed, installed, and maintained in a safe and satisfactory manner.


    Preserve and enhance the natural and scenic characteristics of the City, and in particular, the City's redevelopment districts.


    Sign and Components; Limitations of Regulations.


    A sign is any device or display consisting of lights, letters, numbers, symbols, pictures, illustrations, announcements, cutouts, insignia, trademarks, or demonstrations—including all trim and borders—that is designed to advertise, inform, identify, or attract the attention of persons not on the premises on which the device or display is located, and that is visible from a public street.


    Any person or animal stationed at or close to a business site for the purpose of attracting attention to the business by actions or attire is a sign.


    Sign structure is that material which supports or is capable of supporting a sign, including decorative cover.


    Advertising message is any copy, logos, or graphic elements of a sign which convey a message, identify a business, or describe products or services offered to the public.


    Any sign allowed by either a permit or as a matter of right, whether an on-site sign or an off-site sign, except those exempt signs necessary to protect public safety or satisfy legal requirements listed in Section 3.4.Q.2.b.iii may contain noncommercial speech in lieu of any other type of speech.


    Sign Area. The area of a sign is determined as follows:


    Sign area of a wall sign or awning is the entire area within a single continuous square, rectangular, or circular perimeter enclosing the extreme limits of the advertising message.


    Sign area for other signs includes all features, decorative glass, plastic, masonry, or other materials. Where material is displayed in a random or unconnected manner without organized relationship of the components, each component or element shall be considered to be a single sign.


    A roof, projecting, or ground sign with sign face on two sides with no more than a three-foot separation between faces shall be a single sign, and the total sign area shall be the area on a single face.


    Pole covers shall be included as sign area to the extent that they exceed twice the diameter of the support, except that in Redevelopment Areas, the Redevelopment Board may approve pole covers that exceed twice the diameter of the supporting pole without it being included as sign area, provided the design standards and guidelines in Section 6.10.F, Sign Design and Construction, are met.


    The finished constructed base of a monument sign up to 22 square feet shall be excluded from the sign area.


    No permit shall be issued for any sign if a nonconforming billboard, roof, projecting, or pole sign exists at the business location.


    Sign Permit.


    A Sign Permit shall be required in accordance with the applicability standards and procedure in Section 3.4.Q, Sign Permit.


    All signs for which a permit is required are subject to inspection. All ground signs shall be subject to a footing inspection, and all signs to a final electrical inspection. Inspections must be made to the main frame prior to installation of decorative panels or skirting. Following an inspection, if corrections of defects are not made within ten days after notification, no permits for any sign work will be issued to the delinquent contractor.


    Prohibited Signs.


    All Districts. Except to the extent specifically provided otherwise, the following signs or sign characteristics are prohibited in all districts, and no permit shall be issued authorizing erection of any of the following:


    Animated or moving parts on any sign.


    Beacon lights with one or more beams capable of being directed in any direction or directions, or capable of being revolved automatically, or having any part thereof capable of being revolved automatically, and fixed or flashing high intensity lights such as a spotlight or floodlight.


    Signs allowing different copy to be shown on the same lamp bank, including electronically or electrically controlled public service, time, temperature, and date signs, and message centers, except as provided in Section 6.10.J.6, Electronic Message Center Signs.


    Flashing signs containing any intermittent or flashing light source, or which include the illusion of intermittent or flashing light, or any externally mounted intermittent light source.


    Inflatable air signs or balloons which retain shape from the use of air, helium, or other gaseous elements.


    Mobile or portable signs or sign structures that are not securely attached to the ground or to any other structure, including trailer signs, A-frame signs, and sandwich signs, except temporary traffic control signs necessary to safely direct traffic due to temporary or recently discovered hazardous conditions.


    Off-site signs that contain commercial messages not related to the site, or advertise goods, products, services, or facilities not available or located on the site, or direct persons to a different location from where the sign is installed. Signs located on a property for purposes of offering the property for sale or lease are deemed to be on-site signs with a commercial message.


    Pennants, twirling signs, swinging signs, and other signs which move in the wind.


    Vehicles for which the primary purpose is advertising—that is, vehicles, trailers, or boats that are parked on public or private property so as to be clearly visible from a street and that have attached thereto or located thereon any sign or advertising device for the primary purpose of providing advertisement of products or directing people to a business or activity located on the same or nearby property or any other premises. This provision is not intended to prohibit public vehicular signage such as a sign attached to a bus or identifying signs on business vehicles, or signs lettered on or attached to a motor vehicle in a manner to primarily identify the vehicle with the business it serves.


    Redevelopment Areas.


    In all Redevelopment Areas, the following signs and sign characteristics shall also be prohibited:


    Signs which substitute for or cover integral architectural parts such as fascia cornice or band courses.


    Live window displays or demonstrations which are not related to the nature of the business.


    Glow-in-the-dark or fluorescent paint.


    Any sign exceeding the height of the building or buildings to which it relates.


    In RDB-1, RDB-2, RDD-1, and RDD-2 districts, changeable copy signs shall also be prohibited.


    Sign Design and Construction.


    All Districts. All signs in all districts shall meet the following minimum design and construction standards:


    All signs shall comply with the minimum requirements provided in the Building Code relating to design, structural members, and connections. Specifically:


    All ground, roof, and projecting signs more than 40 square feet in area or over 20 feet in height shall be certified by an engineer or architect registered in the State of Florida as meeting the requirements of the Building Code.


    All electrical signs shall be erected and installed by a licensed sign contractor in accordance with listing and labeling requirements and shall be certified by the contractor as meeting the requirements of the electrical code. The application and sign shall bear the testing laboratory number. Electrical connection to a power source shall be performed by a licensed electrical contractor.


    Metal supports or braces shall be adequate for wind loadings. Specifically:


    Wire or cable supports shall be four times the required strength.


    All metal, wire cable supports and braces and all bolts used to attach sign or bracket or brackets and signs to the supporting building or structure shall be of galvanized steel or of an equivalent corrosive-resistant material.


    All such sign supports shall be an integral part of the sign.


    Signs shall maintain a clearance of ten feet from all overhead electrical conductors, and three feet from all secondary voltage service drops.


    No sign shall be attached in a manner which will interfere with an opening required for ventilation, except that signs may be erected in front of or may cover transom windows when not in violation of the Building Code or Fire Code.


    No sign shall be erected in a manner that would impede ingress and egress through any door or emergency exit, or on a fire escape or any other public safety device.


    No sign shall interfere with cross visibility at intersections, or create a traffic hazard or other condition that adversely affects the public safety.


    All permanent ground sign structures shall be self-supporting and erected on and permanently attached to concrete foundations. Structures shall be fabricated only from galvanized steel or an equivalent corrosive-resistant material.


    No sign shall be attached to a wall that lacks sufficient strength to support it, or nailed or attached in any way to trees, telephone poles, or other objects.


    No sign shall be suspended by chains or other devices that will allow the sign to swing due to wind action. Signs shall be anchored to prevent any lateral movement that would cause wear on supporting members or connections.


    Illuminated signs shall provide shielding of any source of illumination other than neon. No glare exceeding two foot-candles shall be directly visible from any point along the paving or curb of a street or any residential zoning district.


    Signs on properties in commercial or industrial districts shall not be erected within 25 feet of any residential district boundary.


    No sign shall interfere with any required landscaping, screening, or vegetation preservation areas or functions. A visibility zone may be provided around a sign as described in Section 6.4.E.1, Planting Standards, Irrigation, and Installation.


    Where landscaping is required around the base of a sign, the sign footer shall be lowered at least 24 inches from finished grade to provide adequate planting soil depth and drainage for the landscaping.


    Redevelopment Areas. All signs in Redevelopment Areas shall meet the following additional design standards and guidelines. These standards and guidelines are more fully explained and illustrated in the City's booklet Redevelopment Area Design Guidelines, which is hereby incorporated into this Code by reference.


    Every sign shall have appropriate scale and proportion in its design and in its visual relationship to buildings and surroundings.


    Every sign shall be designed as an integral architectural element of the building and site to which it principally relates.


    The colors, materials, and lighting of every sign shall be harmonious with the building and site to which it principally relates.


    The number of graphic elements on a sign shall be held to the minimum needed to convey the sign's major message and shall be composed in proportion to the area of the sign face.


    Each sign shall be compatible with signs on adjoining premises.


    Identification signs of a prototype design and corporation logos shall conform to the criteria for all other signs.


    Architectural accent lighting shall accent significant architectural aspects of a building, and be harmonious with the site.


    Two sign types are recommended for each property.


    Each business should have individual signage, even if more than one business occupies a store.


    One sign should be visible throughout the night.


    Windows should be uncluttered and allow a view of the store. Merchandise should not be directly on the window or otherwise obstruct the window.


    Sign Maintenance and Removal.


    All signs—including all supports, braces, guys, and anchors—shall be kept in good repair.


    A sign that no longer correctly directs or exhorts any person or advertises an operating business, lessor, owner, product, or activity conducted or product available on the premises where the sign is displayed shall be removed. The property owner is responsible for the removal of the signs, including all brackets, poles, and structural elements.


    If any sign is unsafe or insecure or is a menace to the public health or safety, or has been constructed or erected—or is being maintained—in violation of these requirements, the City shall provide written notice of such finding to the contractor, owner, agent, or lessee of the property on which the sign is located. If the contractor, owner, agent, or lessee fails to remove or correct the violation, the City may remove or alter the sign to comply with these requirements at the expense of the contractor, owner, agent, or lessee. The City may immediately remove any sign or advertising structure that poses an immediate peril to persons or property.


    Types of Signs Allowed. The following types of signs are permitted for any use or parcel:


    Signs specifically permitted in all districts.


    Signs identified as permitted in the sign schedule for the district in which the parcel is located.


    Number of Signs Allowed. The number of signs permitted for any use or parcel shall be determined by reference to the sign schedule for the district in which the parcel is located. The following signs shall be excluded when determining the maximum number of permitted signs:


    Architectural accent lighting;


    Architectural embellishments;


    Riverfront and waterway signs;


    Seawall signs;


    Signs for which a permit is not required;


    Temporary signs; and


    Wall graphics.


    Sign Types and General Standards. The following types of signs are permitted in various zoning districts. Wherever permitted, a sign shall meet these general standards and any additional standards or restrictions established in the sign schedule for the district in which it is located.


    Awning Signs.


    An awning sign is a permanent sign that is affixed to or part of an awning supported entirely from the exterior wall of a building and composed of nonrigid materials except for the supporting framework.


    Electric awnings may be erected for the principal purpose and use of the awning as a sign, in accordance with the following requirements:


    The structure shall be internally illuminated by fluorescent or other light sources in fixtures approved under national and local electrical codes. All electrical components shall be labeled and rated for protected outdoor use.


    All frames shall be manufactured from tubular or structurally shaped steel or aluminum with finish or coatings to insure against corrosion. Fastenings and structural attachments to buildings must be to structural members only, and be of sufficient size and strength to meet Building Code standards.


    Vinyl fabric coverings shall be 14 ounces per yard minimum weight and be certified as to tensile strength and flame resistance to meet industry and local Building Code and Fire Code standards. All fabric shall be factory dyed. If a ceiling is used, it shall consist of egg crate, mesh, or solid plastic material. Removal panels or sections must be provided for service and cleaning access.


    The minimum vertical height shall be seven feet above the sidewalk. Where projecting over a vehicular use area, minimum vertical height shall be 14 feet to avoid damage by truck or other high vehicles. Overall height of the awning may not exceed the established roofline, parapet wall, or mechanical components of the building to which it is attached.


    Advertising messages are permitted on awnings as follows:


    Letter copy and graphics shall be applied with manufacturer-approved processes.


    Advertising messages shall be placed at the bottom of the perimeter of the awning only. No messages are permitted in the upper angled or upper curved face of the awning.


    When an awning covers multiple storefronts, individual business signage shall be on that portion of the awning adjacent to the business.


    The maximum sign area permitted on any awning shall be one-half of a square foot for each linear foot of awning, including returns, provided:


    The sign area shall not exceed a height of 1.5 feet for awnings that are no more than 62 feet in length, and two feet for awnings more than 62 feet long.


    In lieu of a permitted wall sign, the flat area of an entrance or walkway awning parallel to the wall may be used for signage with 0.5 square feet of sign area per foot of frontage, up to a maximum of 60 square feet.


    Billboards Permitted Only Along Certain Arterial Streets.


    Billboards are outdoor signs which advertise firms, organizations, goods, products, or services which are not located on the same premises as the sign, and that are sold, rented, owned, or leased for the display of advertising messages. Billboards shall be of the following types:


    Poster panels or bulletins mounted on a freestanding structure with advertising copy applied in the form of pasted paper.


    Indexing signs made with a series of triangular vertical sections that turn and stop, or index, to show three pictures or messages in the same area.


    Painted bulletins where the advertiser's message is painted directly on the background of a freestanding display area.


    Printed vinyl fabric that is applied to the billboard panel or is stretched over the billboard panel and held in place with ratchet straps or similar fasteners.


    Digital billboards.


    Billboards are prohibited in all redevelopment areas. In other areas of the city, billboards are prohibited except within 100 feet of the right-of-way line of Interstate 95. Billboards, are subject to the following standards, except as modified by Section 6.10.J.2.c for digital billboards:


    All billboards shall have a minimum setback of 15 feet from the right-of-way line.


    No billboards shall be located on the roof of any building.


    No billboard shall be located within 1,500 feet of any other billboard on the same side of Interstate 95.


    Side-by-side billboards and vertically stacked or double-tier billboards are prohibited.


    V-shaped or back-to-back billboards shall be counted as one sign for spacing purposes, provided that the sign structures are located not more than 15 feet apart at their widest point.


    Billboards shall have a maximum height of 26 feet above the crown of the adjacent interstate travel lane.


    The sign area shall be at least eight feet above ground.


    A billboard shall have a maximum sign area of 450 square feet per sign face, including any embellishments.


    Billboards shall be graded, landscaped, and irrigated in conformity with the master interstate billboard landscape details that have been adopted, and may be revised from time to time, by resolution of the City Commission, and subject to the following:


    No copy shall be allowed on a new billboard along Interstate 95 until the City has approved the sign location, size, height, and final grading and the installation of the landscape materials and irrigation system.


    The City may require a certified land survey indicating the elevation of the adjacent crown of road, height of sign, and height of berm for City review and approval prior to the installation of irrigation and landscape materials.


    The landowner and billboard owner shall be jointly and severally liable for maintaining required irrigation and landscaping materials.


    Digital billboards shall be permitted in accordance with the following conditions, and shall comply with the standards set forth in Section 6.10.J.2.b, except as modified below:


    Exchange Requirement. A digital billboard shall be permitted only in exchange for the removal of four existing billboards within the city. This exchange is subject to conditions as follows:


    Each digital billboard face shall be treated as one digital billboard for purposes of this exchange requirement. A digital billboard structure with two digital faces shall be treated as two digital billboards.


    At least four billboard faces must be removed in exchange for one digital billboard. Except where the removed billboard is being replaced with a digital billboard, a billboard must be nonconforming as to location in order to count toward the exchange.


    The entire billboard structure on which a billboard face being removed is located shall be removed unless the digital billboard will be installed on the existing structure.


    Removal of all billboard structures and billboard faces required for the exchange shall be completed within 45 days after construction of the digital billboard. The digital billboard shall not be operated until removal of all billboard structures and billboard faces required for the exchange is complete.


    Application and Development Permit. An application for approval of a digital billboard shall include:


    Detailed plans setting forth the locations, sizes, heights, and number of faces of each billboard to be removed, and the proposed location, size, and height of the digital billboard to be constructed;


    Sufficient documentation as to the applicant's right to remove the billboard if the application is approved, such as a signed lease or written consent of the property owner; and


    Any additional information necessary for the City to verify that the requirements of this section are met.


    The digital billboard development permit will specify the billboard structures and billboard faces to be removed. Separate permits will be required for the removal of each billboard.


    Location. Digital billboards permitted in accordance with the exchange provisions of Section 6.10.J.2.c.i may be constructed only in the following locations:


    Digital billboards may be located anywhere billboards are permitted in accordance with Section 6.10.J.2.b.


    An existing billboard along I-95 which is non-conforming due to setbacks or spacing may be removed and replaced with a digital billboard in the same location.


    An existing non-conforming billboard located along West International Speedway Boulevard and within 500 feet of the centerline of Nova Road, Clyde Morris Boulevard, or Williamson Boulevard may be removed and replaced with a digital billboard in the same location.


    Site and construction standards. Digital billboards shall comply with the following standards:


    The maximum display area for a digital billboard face shall not exceed 382 square feet. The maximum display area shall be exclusive of embellishments, which shall not exceed ten percent of the sign face.


    A digital billboard may exceed 26 feet in height if it is constructed in the same location as a billboard removed in exchange for the digital billboard, and the height does not exceed that of the removed billboard.


    Except as otherwise permitted by Section 6.10.J.2.c.iii.(b) or (c), digital billboards shall be setback a minimum of 200 feet from any parcel zoned residential and ten feet from any property line. Setbacks shall be measured from the nearest point of the digital billboard to the edge of the property line.


    Operational standards. Digital billboards shall comply with the following operational standards:


    Digital billboard copy may change only at intervals of not less than eight seconds. The maximum transition time between messages shall not exceed one second.


    Messages shall not display any illumination that moves, appears to move, flashes, scrolls, or changes in intensity during the static display period, but static graphic pictures may be displayed with no limitations on color.


    The display screen area shall provide a high-resolution picture quality with pixel spacing of 20 millimeters or less.


    Messages on digital billboards shall not operate at a brightness level of more than 5,000 nits during the day and 500 nits from dusk to dawn.


    Each digital billboard display shall have a light sensing device to adjust the brightness of the billboard display as ambient light conditions change.


    A malfunctioning display screen must be turned off or display a blank screen.


    Digital billboard permittees shall display emergency announcements or alerts (e.g. Amber Alerts, Silver Alerts and Evacuation Alerts) on the digital billboard at no charge on an as-needed basis as determined by the City.


    A digital billboard which replaces a nonconforming billboard and continues the nonconformity shall be deemed to be a non-conforming structure and shall be subject to the applicable provisions of Article 8.


    Canopy Signs.


    A canopy sign is a sign that is attached to or suspended below a canopy extending from part or all of a building face and constructed of some durable material.


    Canopy signs shall meet the following minimum standards:


    No sign shall project over the roof edge of the building to which it is attached.


    Maximum height shall be 35 feet.


    Changeable Copy Signs.


    A changeable copy sign is a sign on which copy is changed manually in the field, such as a reader board with changeable letters or changeable pictorial panels.


    Except where specifically prohibited, any permitted sign may be a changeable copy sign.


    Easel Signs.


    An easel sign is a one-sided sign displayed outside a business by placement on a three- or four-legged easel-type supporting structure.


    Where permitted, easel signs shall meet the following standards:


    The sign area shall not exceed eight square feet.


    The sign shall be placed on private property, such as within a recessed building entrance or foyer.


    The sign shall have a professional, finished appearance; and shall be maintained in good condition. The sign may contain a chalk or white board area for daily changeable copy.


    Denial of a Sign Permit for an easel sign in a Redevelopment Area may be appealed to the applicable Redevelopment Board.


    Electronic Message Center Signs.


    An electronic message center sign is a sign that is capable of displaying electronic images, including text, where the rate of change is electronically programmed and can be modified by electronic processes.


    A permitted ground sign may be an electronic message center provided the following criteria are met:


    Electronic message center signs are permitted only along principal arterial streets, as defined in Section 11.5, Terms and Uses Defined.


    Electronic message center signs are permitted only on sites consisting of at least eight contiguous acres with at least 650 contiguous linear feet of frontage on an arterial street. Property or frontage is contiguous where it is separated only by a public road.


    Only one sign is permitted within the same development or contiguous parcel of property under single ownership, control, or use. For purposes of this paragraph, property is contiguous where it is separated only by a public road.


    Signs shall be set back at least ten feet from the right-of-way and at least 25 feet from the side property lines.


    Signs shall not be located within 1,000 linear feet of a conforming single-family detached dwelling, as measured along each side of the right-of-way.


    Signs shall be constructed as monument signs with a maximum height of eight feet above grade.


    Where the number and type of signs permitted are controlled by Section 6.10.K, District Sign Schedules, the electronic message center shall count as a ground sign. Where more than one ground sign is permitted, it shall count as two ground signs.


    The display screen area shall not exceed 50 percent of the sign cabinet.


    The sign cabinet and finished constructed base, excluding up to 22 square feet of the base, shall not exceed 360 square feet.


    Additional signage shall be permitted on the cabinet, not to exceed 15 percent of the sign cabinet size.


    Landscaping shall be provided in accordance with requirements in Section 6.10.J.7, Ground Signs.


    A sign with sign face on two sides and no more than 4.5 feet of separation between faces shall be considered a single sign, and the total sign area shall be the area on a single face.


    Sign copy may change only at intervals of not less than 60 seconds. Continuous scrolling, animation, or flashing of lights is prohibited.


    Graphics shall not be displayed at any time on the display screen area.


    The display screen area shall provide a high-resolution picture quality with pixel spacing of 16 millimeters or less.


    Maximum brightness is 5,000 nits during the day and 500 nits from dusk to dawn.


    A malfunctioning sign must be turned off or display a blank screen.


    Electronic message center signs shall not be added to, or used to change or expand, any nonconforming sign.


    The background of the display screen shall be limited to one single solid color.


    No off-site advertising is permitted.


    These criteria may be waived or altered by the City Commission in a Comprehensive Sign Plan, Planned Development Agreement, or Public or Semi-Public Use Permit.


    In addition to the enforcement and penalties provided in Article 10: Enforcement, failure to adhere to the operating standards in Sections 6.10.J.6.b.xiii through 6.10.J.6.b.xx above shall result in suspension or revocation of the sign permit, as follows:


    For a first violation within any continuous 12-month period, the sign permit shall be suspended for a period of 24 continuous hours.


    For a second violation within any continuous 12-month period, the sign permit shall be suspended for a one-week period.


    For a third violation within any continuous 12-month period, the sign permit shall be revoked, the sign must be removed from the property, and no permit for an electronic message center at the site shall be issued for a period of one year.


    Finding of violation:


    City staff shall personally deliver written notice of the violation, including a hearing date and time, to the permit holder or responsible person at the premises where the sign is located. If the recipient at the premises is not the permit holder, a copy shall also be sent to the permit holder by certified mail.


    The hearing shall be held before a Special Magistrate appointed by the City Commission. The Special Magistrate shall consider all relevant evidence presented by the parties. All parties shall have an opportunity to respond, to present evidence and argument, to conduct cross-examination and submit rebuttal evidence, and to be represented by counsel or other qualified representative. The lack of actual knowledge of, acquiescence to, participation in, or responsibility for, a violation on the part of the permit holder shall not be a defense.


    If the Special Magistrate finds that a violation has occurred, the special magistrate shall suspend or revoke the sign permit and provide written notice of the decision and suspension period or revocation date within ten days of the date of the hearing. The Special Magistrate's final order is subject to review in a court of competent jurisdiction in Volusia County, Florida, as provided by State law.


    Ground Signs.


    Ground signs shall be either monument signs or pole signs as follows:


    A monument sign is a sign that is erected directly upon the existing or artificially created grade and supported by a constructed finished base or two or more posts, with a maximum height of eight feet, as measured from the natural grade, and has a maximum open area below the base of the sign of two feet.


    A pole sign is a detached freestanding sign that is supported by one or more poles, and is over eight feet high.


    All ground signs shall meet the following standards:


    All ground signs shall be permanently anchored in a concrete foundation.


    Signs shall not exceed 35 feet in height, unless specifically provided otherwise. Heights are calculated from natural grade. Signs in Redevelopment Areas shall not exceed the height of the building to which the sign relates.


    The maximum sign area for signs located on side or rear property lines shall be reduced to 50 percent of the maximum size. For each foot the sign is set back from a side or rear property line, the sign area may be increased by one square foot, up to the maximum size permitted.


    All ground sign design and placement shall be coordinated with requirements for traffic safety, landscaping, screening, or vegetation preservation areas.


    The following additional standards shall apply to ground signs along both sides of Clyde Morris Boulevard, along all streets west of Clyde Morris Boulevard excluding West International Speedway Boulevard east of I-95, and along all streets or portions thereof west of a line that is aligned with the centerline of Clyde Morris Boulevard as established south of Mason Avenue extended to the north City limits:


    Maximum height for shopping center signs shall be 20 feet. Maximum height for all other uses shall be 15 feet.


    Signs more than eight feet in height shall be restricted to 50 percent of the maximum permitted sign area.


    Signs shall be landscaped. The landscape area shall be a minimum of five feet wide on each side of the base of the sign, and shall consist of living plant materials that completely cover the area.


    An automatic irrigation system for full coverage of the landscaping shall be provided.


    Sign structure and panel colors shall be coordinated with and consistent with the allowable architectural colors for the use.


    Maximum height and sign area of ground signs may be increased through approval of a Public or Semipublic Use Permit (Section 3.4.H) upon a determination that the increase is necessary to properly identify the use, and that the sign will have no detrimental impact on the adjacent neighborhood.


    The Planning Board may, following a public hearing, approve an increase in the height or sign area of a ground sign within a 0.5-mile radius of the center of an interstate highway interchange in accordance with the following:


    The maximum sign height may be increased up to a maximum of 85 feet provided the increased height is found necessary for the sign's visibility from an interstate highway.


    Sign area may be increased up to a maximum of 720 square feet provided the increased sign area is found necessary for the sign's visibility from an interstate highway.


    Projecting Signs.


    A projecting sign is a sign that is affixed to any building, wall, or structure and that extends more than 12 inches beyond the building, wall, or structure.


    All projecting signs shall meet the following standards:


    Projecting signs shall be permitted only for uses with at least 25 feet of frontage, except that in RDB-2 districts, only eight feet of frontage shall be required.


    Every sign shall be at least nine feet above the ground and shall not project more than eight feet from the building to which it is attached.


    Unless specifically permitted, projecting signs may not project over the public right-of-way. Where projecting signs are permitted over the public right-of-way, the sign shall be no closer than two feet to the inside curb edge of the abutting street.


    Roof Signs.


    A roof sign is any sign erected, constructed, or maintained upon, against, or directly above a roof, or on top of or above the parapet of a building.


    All roof signs shall meet the following minimum standards:


    A roof sign shall be permitted only for uses with at least 50 feet of frontage.


    A roof sign shall not extend beyond the roof edge.


    Sign area shall not exceed two square feet for each linear foot of frontage.


    Sandwich Board Signs.


    A sandwich board sign is a two-sided "A" frame sign displayed outside a business storefront.


    Where permitted, sandwich board signs shall meet the following standards:


    The sign structure shall be a maximum height of four feet above the sidewalk and a maximum width of three feet.


    The sign area and structure shall not exceed eight square feet per single side.


    A sandwich board sign is permitted for each ground floor storefront. The sign may be placed on the public sidewalk directly in front of the business storefront in accordance with Section 6.10.L, Signs On or Over Public Property.


    The sign frame shall be constructed of durable materials such as decorative metal, wrought iron, wood with treated edges, or durable plastic; shall have a professional, finished appearance; and shall be maintained in good condition. The sign may contain a chalk or white board area for daily changeable copy. The use of cardboard, plywood, paper, canvas or similar impermanent material for the sign frame is prohibited.


    Denial of a Sign Permit for a sandwich board sign in a Redevelopment Area may be appealed to the applicable Redevelopment Board.


    Subdivision and Multifamily Complex Signs. Subdivision or multifamily complex signs designed as permanent signage may be permitted in any district in accordance with the following standards:


    Two wall or ground signs may be permitted for each subdivision or multifamily complex.


    The combined sign area for each subdivision or multifamily complex shall not exceed 32 square feet—provided, however, that the Planning Board may approve an increase in combined sign area up to 64 square feet on finding that signage for the subdivision or multifamily complex is part of a landscaped entrance feature, and that the entrance feature is in keeping with the overall character of the area.


    Subdivision signs shall be constructed of low maintenance materials, and a homeowners' association or entity shall exist or be created to assume all maintenance responsibilities.


    Temporary Signs. Banner signs of cloth, paper, or fabric of any kind, or signs of other nonpermanent construction, may be erected for temporary periods as follows:


    In General.


    Temporary signs, whether one or the maximum size and number permitted, may not be displayed on any parcel for more than 100 days in any 12-month period.


    In residential districts, a maximum of ten temporary signs, each sign not to exceed three square feet in sign area, may be displayed on each parcel of land developed or available for development as a single residential use.


    In nonresidential districts, temporary signs with total sign area not exceeding 32 square feet for each 100 feet of street frontage or part thereof shall be permitted on each parcel of land developed or available for development as a single use, and may include otherwise prohibited balloons, twirling signs, flags, pennants, pennant ropes, and inflatable air signs, provided:


    No sign shall be larger than 32 square feet in sign area.


    Inflatable air signs must be securely attached to the ground.


    Balloons, twirling signs, flags, pennants, pennant ropes, and inflatable air signs shall not be permitted for more than ten consecutive days.


    Balloons, twirling signs, flags, pennants, pennant ropes, and inflatable air signs shall not be permitted for more than ten days in any consecutive 30-day period.


    Temporary signs visible only from the beach, including otherwise prohibited balloons, twirling signs, flags, pennants, pennant ropes, and inflatable air signs shall be permitted on oceanfront properties, provided:


    Inflatable air signs must be securely attached to the ground.


    Balloons, twirling signs, flags, pennants, pennant ropes, and inflatable air signs shall not be permitted for more than ten consecutive days.


    Balloons, twirling signs, flags, pennants, pennant ropes, and inflatable air signs shall not be permitted for more than ten days in any consecutive 30-day period.


    Construction Site Signs. A sign may be erected at a construction site in any district subject to the following standards:


    One construction site sign shall be permitted per construction project, with a sign area not exceeding 32 square feet.


    The sign shall be erected no more than five days prior to the beginning of construction for which a building permit has been issued, shall be confined to the site of construction, and shall be removed five days after completion of construction and prior to occupancy.


    Wall Graphics and Architectural Embellishments.


    A wall graphic is a wall decoration that depicts a scene, picture, illustration, or design with no written message, word, insignia, arrow, or logo.


    An architectural embellishment is a three-dimensional architectural decoration added to a building for aesthetic purposes.


    Wall graphics and architectural embellishments may be permitted in any district, subject to the review and approval as follows:


    In Redevelopment Areas, wall graphics and architectural embellishments may be permitted by the Redevelopment Board for the area.


    In other areas of the City, wall graphics are subject to review and approval by the Planning Board and architectural embellishments are subject to review and approval by City staff.


    Wall graphics and architectural embellishments shall comply with the following standards:


    The wall graphic or architectural embellishment shall be applied to a prepared wall surface free of cracks, peeling paint, or stucco, and shall be covered with a protective coat to minimize deterioration.


    Wall graphics and embellishments shall be for the aesthetic enhancement of the building. Scale, design, intensity, and character shall be consistent with the design of the building, and compatible with the building and surrounding structures.


    No written messages, logos, arrows, or bare bulbs shall be part of the wall graphic or embellishment.


    Wall graphics or embellishments shall be applied and constructed strictly in accordance with the approved application. Any deviation from the approved plan or rendering, in materials or style, shall require removal of the wall graphic or embellishment within five days of notice.


    Any variance from these standards or appeal from a determination made pursuant to this paragraph shall be reviewed by the Planning Board, whose decision shall be final administrative action.


    Wall Signs.


    A wall sign is an outdoor single-face sign affixed to the wall of any building or seawall which does not project more than 12 inches.


    All wall signs shall meet the following minimum standards:


    No more than 200 square feet of sign area shall be permitted on any single wall.


    A wall sign affixed to a seawall shall meet the following additional standards:


    The sign shall be painted on a white or beige background.


    The sign area shall not exceed 120 square feet.


    Window Signs.


    A window sign is a sign located inside a structure which is attached to or visible from a window.


    Window signs may be erected in any district without a permit except signs attached to or hung from windows of commercial buildings in redevelopment districts.


    Commercial Flags.


    A commercial flag is a flag bearing any commercial advertising message, including commercial logos or graphics depicting products or services.


    Commercial uses may obtain a permit to display a maximum of two commercial flags, in addition to other permitted signs. Flags must be displayed from a permanent structure or flagpole. Flagpoles must meet wind load standards contained in the Building Code.


    District Sign Schedules. In addition to signage permitted by other provisions of this section, the following types, numbers, and sizes of signs shall be permitted in the various zoning districts.


    Residential Districts.


    One non-electric sign not exceeding three square feet in sign area is allowed without a permit pursuant to Section 3.4.Q.2.b.ii(a).


    A special use shall be permitted two ground or wall signs. Maximum sign area of each sign shall be 32 square feet. Ground signs shall not exceed six feet in height and shall be set back 25 feet from residential properties.


    Business Districts.

    Table 6.10.K.2.A: District Sign Schedule: Business Districts (BP, BR-1, BR-2, BA and OP)
    Regulations Per Sign Type
    Signs Permitted Maximum Sign Area per Sign Type
    Sign Type Maximum Number of Signs per Use
    Canopy 2 sf per 1 linear ft of lot frontage
    Ground 1 with 25 - 200 ft of lot frontage 1 sf per 1 linear ft of lot frontage, up to 120 sf
    2 with >200 ft of lot
    Projecting 1 1 sf per 2 linear ft of lot frontage, up to 60 sf
    Roof 2 sf per 1 linear ft of lot frontage, up to 200 sf
    Wall 2 sf per 1 linear ft of lot frontage, up to 200 sf
    Regulations Per Parcel
    a. Maximum sign area per parcel: 2 sf per 1 linear ft of building frontage plus ground sign.
    b. Corner lots are permitted one sign permitted above for each 35 ft of building frontage up to a maximum of four signs on each street and a total of six signs per use, not exceeding maximum sign area per parcel.
    c. Interior lots are permitted two signs for the first 25 ft of building frontage plus one sign for each additional 25 ft of frontage or fraction thereof, up to a maximum of four signs on each street where access is allowed, not exceeding maximum sign area per parcel.
    NOTES: [ft = feet; sf = square feet]


    Table 6.10.K.2.B: District Sign Schedule: Residential/Professional District (RP)
    Regulations Per Sign Type
    Signs Permitted Maximum Sign Area per Sign Type
    Sign Type Maximum Number of Signs per Use
    Monument 1 sign permitted on each street frontage 1 sf per 1 linear ft of lot frontage up to 60 sf on arterial streets and up to 32 sf on other streets
    Wall 1 sign permitted on each street frontage 1 sf per 1 linear ft of lot frontage up to 60 sf on arterial streets and up to 32 sf on other streets
    Regulations Per Parcel
    a. Permitted signs for commercial uses only.
    b. Maximum allowable height of a monument sign in an RP zoning district is 6 feet.
    NOTES: [ft = feet; sf = square feet]



    Industrial Districts.

    Table 6.10.K.3: District Sign Schedule: Industrial Districts (M-1, M-3, M-4, M-5)
    Regulations Per Sign Type
    Signs Permitted Maximum Sign Area per Sign Type
    Sign Type Maximum Number of Signs per Use
    Ground 1 (must have 25 ft of lot frontage in M-1 and M-3, or 50 ft of lot frontage in M-4) 1 sf per 1 linear ft of lot frontage, up to 120 sf
    Projecting 1 1 sf per 2 linear ft of lot frontage; not permitted in M-4
    Roof 2 sf per 1 linear ft of lot frontage, up to 200 sf;
    not permitted in M-4 and M-5
    Wall 2 sf per 1 linear ft of lot frontage, up to 200 sf; no frontage requirement in M-4 and M-5, where maximum sign area is 200 sf
    Regulations Per Use
    a. M-1 and M-3 districts max. signs per use: One sign permitted above for each 25 feet of frontage or fraction thereof, up to a maximum of four signs.
    b. M-4 and M-5 districts: uses with 50 ft. of frontage or less max. 2 signs; uses with more than 50 ft. of frontage max. 3 signs.
    NOTES: [ft = feet; sf = square feet]



    Tourist Districts.


    General Sign Standards.

    Table 6.10.K.4.A: District Sign Schedule: Tourist Districts (T-1, T-2, T-4, T-5)
    Regulations Per Sign Type
    Signs Permitted Maximum Sign Area per Sign Type
    Sign Type Maximum Number of Signs per Use
    Canopy or Projecting 1 1 sf per 2 linear ft of lot frontage, up to 60 sf
    Ground 1 1 sf per 1 linear ft of lot frontage, up to 60 sf (up to 120 sf in T-5 district)
    Roof 1 2 sf per 1 linear ft of lot frontage, up to 60 sf
    Wall T-5 district: 120 sf
    All other T districts: 60 sf plus 1 sf per 2 linear ft of lot frontage >100 ft on any one street, up to 120 sf
    Regulations Per Parcel 1
    a. Maximum sign area per parcel: 2 sf per 1 linear ft of lot frontage plus one ground sign.
    b. Maximum number of signs per parcel: any three signs permitted in this table not exceeding maximum sign area per parcel.
    NOTES: [ft = feet; sf = square feet]
    1. These maximums do not include additional signs permitted in accordance with subsection [b] below.



    Additional Signs. In Tourist districts, the following signs may be permitted in addition to the maximum number of signs permitted in accordance with Table 6.10.K.4.a:


    Seawall sign for properties with ocean frontage.


    Approved wall graphic.


    If the use has frontage on more than one street, one ground or wall sign visible only from the secondary street.


    If the use has more than 200 feet of frontage on one street, one ground sign.


    An accessory use to a hotel or motel of 100 units or more with required off-street parking shall be permitted one wall sign advertising the accessory use, with a maximum sign area of 60 square feet.


    Specialty Districts.


    Hospital/Medical District.

    Table 6.10.K.5.A: District Sign Schedule: Specialty Districts - Hospital/Medical
    Regulations Per Sign Type
    Signs Permitted Maximum Sign Area per Sign type
    Sign Type Maximum Number of Signs per Use
    Ground 1 sf per 2 linear ft of frontage, up to 32 sf (60 sf where frontage is on arterial street)
    Lighted signs only on arterial streets except for emergency entrances
    Wall 1 sf per 2 linear ft of frontage, up to 32 sf (60 sf where frontage is on arterial street)
    Regulations Per Parcel
    1. Maximum number of signs per parcel: any three signs permitted in this table not exceeding maximum sign area per parcel.
    2. In addition to the sign(s) permitted above, all uses may have one wall sign not exceeding 16 sf.
    3. Hospitals or other facilities offering emergency medical treatment shall be permitted an additional lighted ground or wall sign with a maximum size of 16 sf to identify emergency entrances.
    NOTES: [ft = feet; sf = square feet]
    1. One sign permitted on each street frontage.



    Major Sports District.

    Table 6.10.K.5.B: District Sign Schedule: Specialty Districts - Major Sports
    Regulations Per Sign Type
    Sign Type Maximum Number of Signs per Use Maximum Sign Area per Sign type
    Signs Permitted for the Area Complex
    Ground 4 500 sf
    Ground including indexing 1 800 sf or 1,200 sf if over 500 linear ft of frontage
    Max height: 60 ft
    Projecting 1 sf per 2 linear ft of frontage, up to 60 sf
    Wall 1 700 sf
    Signs for Each Support Building Awning
    Ground 1 1 sf per 1 linear ft of frontage, up to 120 sf
    Projecting 1 1 sf per 2 linear ft of frontage, up to 60 sf
    Wall 2 sf per 1 linear ft of frontage, up to 200 sf
    Additional MS Sign Regulations
    1. Temporary signs (excluding inflatable) are permitted provided they are erected not earlier than 21 days before each event and are removed not later than 21 days after each event. Inflatable signs with a maximum size of 20,000 cubic feet are permitted provided they are erected not earlier than three days before each event and are removed not later than three days after each event.
    2. Motor vehicles that are otherwise considered signs pursuant to this Code shall be permitted on property in the MS district so long as the vehicles are related to the major sports activity and are not parked on a permanent basis.



    Redevelopment Districts.


    Beachside Redevelopment (RDB-) Districts.


    General Sign Standards.

    Table 6.10.K.6.A: District Sign Schedule: Redevelopment Districts - Beachside (RDB-1 to RDB-11)
    District Maximum Sign Area (and Height) Per Sign Type Regulations Per Use
    Window Projecting Wall Monument Roof
    RDB-1 Up to 25% of window area 1 sf per 2 linear ft of frontage, up to 20 sf 1 sf per 2 linear ft of frontage, up to 60 sf (if frontage on one street <100 ft) or 250 sf (if frontage on one street >100 ft) 1 sf per 1 linear ft of frontage, up to 60 sf 2 sf per 1 linear ft of lot frontage, up to 60 sf Uses with <100 ft of frontage: maximum of 2 signs, no more than 1 of any type
    Uses with ≥100 ft of frontage: maximum of 3 signs
    Max. height: 15 ft Business within mixed-use hotel development with 100 or more guestrooms: wall sign of 1 sf per business front width, up to 60 sf
    1 projecting sign permitted
    RDB-2 Up to 25% of window area 10 sf; may project no more than 5 ft 25 sf; 1 sign max. 1 awning sign permitted
    Maximum of 2 signs per use
    RDB-3 Up to 25% of window area 1 sf per 2 linear ft of frontage, up to 10 sf 25 sf 1 sf per 1 linear ft of frontage, up to 60 sf 2 sf per 1 linear ft of lot frontage, up to 200 sf Maximum of 2 signs above each street frontage
    RDB-4 Up to 25% of window area Canopy:
    1 sf per 2 linear ft of frontage, up to 60 sf
    120 sf 1 sf per 1 linear ft of frontage, up to 60 sf 2 sf per 1 linear ft of lot frontage, up to 200 sf Maximum sign area per business: 3 sf per 1 linear ft of frontage, plus ground sign
    Max height: 25 ft Uses with ≤25 ft frontage: maximum of 2 signs not exceeding maximum sign area per business
    Uses with >25 ft. frontage: 1 sign per 25 ft of frontage, up to 4 signs, not to exceed maximum sign area per business
    RDB-5 Up to 25% of window area Canopy: 60 sf 60 sf; plus 1 sf per 2 linear ft of frontage, up to 120 sf with frontage >100 ft 1 sf per 1 linear ft of frontage, up to 60 sf 2 sf per 1 linear ft of lot frontage, up to 60 sf Maximum of 3 signs per use
    Projecting: 1 sf per 2 linear ft of frontage, up to 60 sf
    Max. height: 35 ft
    RDB-6 and RBD-7 Wall: 1 sf per 2 linear ft of frontage, up to 32 sf (60 sf where frontage is on arterial street) Ground: 1 sf per 2 linear ft of frontage, up to 32 sf (60 sf where frontage is on arterial street) Residential uses: none except as permitted in Section 6.10.K.1
    Maximum signs per use: 1 on each street frontage
    May also have one wall sign not exceeding 16 sf in sign area
    RDB-8 Canopy or projecting: 1 sf per 2 linear ft of frontage, up to 60 sf 60 sf per 2 linear ft of frontage on one street >100 ft, up to 120 sf 1 sf per 2 linear ft of frontage, up to 60 sf 2 sf per 1 linear ft of lot frontage, up to 200 sf Maximum sign area per parcel: 2 sf per 1 linear ft of frontage, plus ground
    Maximum of 3 signs per use, not to exceed maximum sign area per parcel
    RDB-9 Up to 25% of window area Canopy: 60 sf
    Projecting: 1 sf per 2 linear ft of frontage, up to 60 sf
    60 sf; plus 1 sf per 2 linear ft of frontage, up to 120 sf with frontage >100 ft 1 sf per 1 linear ft of frontage, up to 60 sf 2 sf per 1 linear ft of lot frontage, up to 60 sf Maximum of 3 signs per use
    Max. height: 35 ft
    RDB-10 The sign regulations applicable to Residential districts shall apply (see Section 6.10.K.1, Residential Districts).
    RDB-11 The sign regulations applicable to Residential districts shall apply (see Section 6.10.K.1, Residential Districts).
    NOTES: [ft = feet; sf = square feet]
    1. If building is set back 20 ft, and 30 sf landscaping and irrigation at base.
    2. Maximum height is the lesser of 13 ft or the height of the building to which the sign is attached.
    3. If additional building access is provided on a building face without frontage, one wall or awning sign with sign area of 1 sf per 1 linear ft of building front at the access area, up to 25 sf.
    4. Must have at least 50 ft of frontage.
    5. Must have at least 25 ft of frontage.
    6. If more than 200 ft frontage on one street, one ground sign.
    7. Lighted signs only on arterial streets.
    8. Window signs do not count towards these maximums.



    Additional Signs Allowed in RDB-1 District.


    Awning signs (see Section 6.10.J.1, Awning Signs).


    If frontage on more than one street, one wall or monument sign visible only from the secondary right-of-way.


    An accessory use to a hotel or motel with 100 units or more and required off-street parking, one monument or wall sign.


    Mixed-use signs permitted above, two per business use.


    Modifications of Sign Standards Allowed in RDB-1 District. In the RDB-1 district, the Redevelopment Board may approve wall signs in mixed-use development with a sign area that exceeds the above maximum sign area standards, and may approve additional signs for accessory uses, provided:


    Every sign shall have appropriate scale and proportion in its design and in its visual relationship to buildings and surroundings.


    The colors, materials, and lighting of every sign shall be harmonious with the building and site to which it principally relates.


    In lieu of a wall sign on the building side with street frontage, a principal use may be permitted a wall sign up to 90 square feet on a building side without street frontage, provided the sign is composed of channel letters.


    No more than two mixed uses, each with interior square footage greater than 5,000 square feet, may have one ground monument sign located on Atlantic Avenue. The signs shall have a maximum sign area of 60 square feet, be located a minimum of 200 feet apart, and be incorporated into architectural and landscaped features.


    Additional Signs Allowed in RDB-2 District.


    Awning signs (see Section 6.10.J.1, Awning Signs).


    Additional Signs Allowed in RDB-3 District.


    Awning signs (see Section 6.10.J.1, Awning Signs).


    Additional Signs Allowed in RDB-4 District.


    Awning signs (see Section 6.10.J.1, Awning Signs).


    Additional Signs Allowed in RDB-5 District.


    Awning signs (see Section 6.10.J.1, Awning Signs).


    Seawall signs permitted with ocean frontage.


    Approved wall graphic.


    If frontage on more than one street, one ground or wall sign visible only from secondary right-of-way.


    An accessory use to a hotel with greater than 100 units with required off-street parking, one 60 square foot wall sign.


    Additional Signs Allowed in RDB-8 District.


    Awning signs (see Section 6.10.J.1, Awning Signs).


    Approved wall graphic.


    If frontage on more than one street, one ground or wall sign visible only from secondary right-of-way.


    If the use has more than 200 feet of frontage on one street, one ground sign.


    Downtown Redevelopment (RDD-) Districts.


    General Sign Standards.

    Table 6.10.K.6.B: District Sign Schedule: Redevelopment Districts - Downtown (RDD-1 to RDD-6)
    District Maximum Sign Area (and Height) Per Sign Type Regulations Per Use
    Window Projecting Wall Monument Roof
    RDD-1 and RDD-2 Up to 25% of window area 1 sf per 2 linear ft of frontage, up to 20 sf 1.25 sf per 1 linear ft of frontage, up to 100 sf 1 sf per 1 linear ft of frontage, up to 60 sf Maximum of 2 signs per frontage
    If additional building access is provided on a building face without frontage, one wall or awning sign with sign area of 1 sf per 1 linear ft of building frontage at the access area, up to 60 sf
    Max. height: 15 ft 1 easel or sandwich board sign
    RDD-3 Up to 25% of window area 1 sf per 2 linear ft of frontage, up to 20 sf 1.25 sf per 1 linear ft of frontage, up to 100 sf 1 sign with 1 sf per 1 linear ft of building frontage, up to 60 sf, with 35 - 200 ft of frontage or 2 signs with 1 sf per 2 linear ft of frontage, up to 120 ft, with >200 ft. frontage 2 sf per 1 linear ft of lot frontage, up to 60 sf Maximum of 2 signs per frontage
    Max. height: 15 ft If additional building access is provided on a building face without frontage, one wall or awning sign with sign area of 1 sf per 1 linear ft of building front at the access area, up to 60 sf
    RDD-4 Canopy: 2 sf per 1 linear ft of building frontage 2 sf per 1 linear ft of frontage, up to 200 sf 1 sf per 1 linear ft of frontage, up to 60 sf, with 25 - 200 ft of frontage Maximum sign area per parcel: 2 sf per 1 linear ft of frontage, plus ground sign
    Projecting: 1 sf per 2 linear ft of frontage, up to 60 sf Corner lots: See note 3
    2 signs with 1 sf per 1 linear ft of frontage, up to 120 sf, with >200 ft of frontage Interior Lots: See note 4
    RDD-5 Up to 25% of window area 1 sf per 2 linear ft of frontage, up to 20 sf 1.25 sf per 1 linear ft of frontage, up to 100 sf 1 sign with 1 sf per 1 linear ft of building frontage, up to 60 sf, with 35 - 200 ft of frontage
    2 signs with 1 sf per 2 linear ft of frontage, up to 120 ft, with >200 ft. frontage
    2 sf per 1 linear ft of lot frontage, up to 60 sf Maximum of 2 signs per frontage
    Max. height: 15 ft If additional building access is provided on a building face without frontage, one wall or awning sign with sign area of 1 sf per 1 linear ft of building front at the access area, up to 60 sf
    RDD-6 The sign regulations applicable to Residential districts shall apply (see Section 6.10.K.1, Residential Districts).
    NOTES: [ft = feet; sf = square feet]
    1. Shall have 30 sf of landscaping and irrigation at base.
    2. If more than 200 ft frontage on one street, one ground sign.
    3. One sign permitted above for each 35 feet of frontage up to a maximum of four signs on each street and a total of six signs per use, not exceeding maximum sign area per parcel.
    4. Two signs permitted above for first 25 feet of frontage plus one sign permitted above for each additional 25 feet of frontage or fraction thereof, up to a maximum of four signs on each street where access is allowed, not exceeding maximum sign area per parcel.



    Additional Signs Allowed in RDD-1, RDD-2, and RDD-3 Districts.


    Awning signs (see Section 6.10.J.1, Awning Signs).


    Modifications of Sign Standards Allowed in RDD-1 and RDD-2 District.


    In the RDD-1 and RDD-2 districts, the Redevelopment Board may approve existing individually lettered wall signs, including logos, that exceed the above maximum sign area standards, provided:


    All parts of the wall sign and logo shall be maintained in good condition, fully readable, with no rusted metal or broken parts.


    The sign shall be in scale with the existing facade, and have been in place prior to the adoption of the RDD-1 sign standards on October 19, 1988.


    If the sign is damaged and replaced, or renovations materially alter the facade of the building such as the addition of fenestration or modulation of the wall surface, all sign requirements for the district must be met.


    In the RDD-1 district, the Redevelopment Board may approve marquee signs provided the design standards and guidelines in Section 6.10.F.2, Redevelopment Areas, are met.


    Midtown Redevelopment Districts.

    Table 6.10.K.6.C: District Sign Schedule: Redevelopment Districts - Midtown (RDM-1 to RDM-6)
    District Maximum Sign Area (and Height) Per Sign Type Regulations Per Use
    Window Projecting Wall Monument Roof
    RDM-1 Up to 25% of window area 1 sf per 2 linear ft of frontage, up to 20 sf 1.25 sf per 1 linear ft of frontage, up to 100 sf 1 sf per 1 linear ft of frontage, up to 60 sf Maximum of 2 signs per frontage
    Max. height: 15 ft
    RDM-2 Up to 25% of window area 1 sf per 2 linear ft of frontage, up to 20 sf 1.25 sf per 1 linear ft of frontage, up to 100 sf Maximum of 2 signs per frontage
    Max. height: 15 ft If additional building access is provided on a building face without frontage, one wall or awning sign with sign area of 1 sf per 1 linear ft of building front at the access area, up to 60 sf
    RDM-3 Up to 25% of window area 1 sf per 2 linear ft of frontage, up to 20 sf 2 sf per 1 linear ft of frontage, up to 200 sf 1 sf per 1 linear ft of frontage, up to 120 sf 2 sf per 1 linear ft of lot frontage, up to 200 sf Maximum of 2 signs per frontage
    Max. height: 15 ft
    RDM-4 1 sf per 2 linear ft of frontage, up to 32 sf 1 sf per 1 linear ft of frontage, up to 60 sf Maximum of 2 wall signs per building
    Located on arterial street Maximum of 2 signs per frontage
    RDM-5 Up to 25% of window area 1 sf per 2 linear ft of frontage, up to 20 sf 1.25 sf per 1 linear ft of frontage, up to 100 sf 1 sf per 1 linear ft of frontage, up to 60 sf 2 sf per 1 linear ft of lot frontage, up to 200 sf Maximum of 2 signs per frontage
    Max. height: 15 ft
    RDM-6 The sign regulations applicable to Residential districts shall apply (see Section 6.10.K.1, Residential Districts).
    NOTES: [ft = feet; sf = square feet]



    Planned Development Districts (PD-G, PD-RD). Signage for planned districts will be provided in the development agreement, in accordance with the nature of the uses and similarity of the uses to those permitted in other districts.


    Signs On or Over Public Property.


    No sign shall extend on or over a right-of-way or other public property except as follows:


    Canopy or awning signs may be attached to canopies or awnings permitted to extend over the right-of-way or other public property (see Section 6.3.I.2, Allowed Encroachments).


    Canopy and projecting signs may extend over the right-of-way in the RDB-2 district, and on Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune Boulevard between U.S. 1 and Lincoln Street, provided they shall not extend closer than two feet from the curb edge.


    Permitted marquee signs may extend over the right-of-way in the RDD-1 district.


    Permitted sandwich board signs on the public sidewalk shall only be erected during hours of business operation and shall be removed in case of an emergency. The signs should be placed so that a minimum six-foot wide continuously unobstructed walking path is maintained.


    No other signs shall extend over the right-of-way or other public property, unless specifically authorized by the City Commission.


    As a condition of approval, the applicant shall be required to post a cash bond or secure public liability insurance to protect the City against damage occasioned to any person or property as a result of any defective or falling sign. Every insurance policy shall be executed by an insurance company or companies authorized to do business in the State and acceptable to the City Commission, and shall be in the sum of $100,000.00 for injury or death to any one person, in the sum of $300,000.00 for injury or death to all persons caused by any one accident, and in the sum of $25,000.00 for damage to property resulting from any one accident. Each of the sums shall remain in full force and be undiminished during the effective period of the insurance. Every insurance policy shall contain a provision whereby every company executing the same shall obligate itself to notify the City Manager in writing at least 30 days before any alteration, modification, or cancellation of the policy is to become effective.


    Architectural Accent Lighting.


    Architectural accent lighting is nonblinking fiber optic, neon, or incandescent light applied as an architectural enhancement to accent the roof edge or details of a commercial building. Fiber optics may change color but not so rapidly as to simulate blinking lights.


    All architectural accent lighting shall meet the following requirements.


    The lighting shall be designed as an integral architectural element of the building and accent significant architectural aspects of the building.


    The color of the accent lighting shall be harmonious with the building, surrounding buildings, and the site.


    In Redevelopment Areas, architectural accent lighting shall be subject to approval of the Redevelopment Board for the area. In all other areas of the City, architectural accent lighting shall be subject to review and approval by City staff.


    Signs Along Halifax Riverfront. In addition to all other signs permitted by this Code, a use located adjacent to the Halifax River shall be permitted the following signs provided the signs are oriented toward the river for the benefit of the boating public.


    A maximum of two signs per property shall be permitted on docks and piers waterward of the mean high water line, subject to the following standards:


    The total sign area for these signs per property shall not exceed 60 square feet.


    No sign shall extend more than 15 feet above mean high sea level.


    Properties with 50 feet of waterway frontage shall be allowed one ground sign, subject to the following standards:


    One square foot of sign area shall be permitted for each two linear feet of river frontage, up to a maximum of 120 square feet.


    Properties with more than 500 feet of frontage shall be permitted two ground signs.


    Awning signs shall be permitted if not otherwise permitted in the district.


    One wall or awning sign shall be permitted on the wall of the principal building, provided its sign area does not exceed ten percent of the total wall or awning area, up to a maximum sign area of 140 square feet.


    Comprehensive Sign Plans.


    A comprehensive sign plan (CSP) may be approved for a development that:


    Is located in a MS district; or


    Consists of at least 35 contiguous acres, is located in an HM district, and contains a mix of uses, including parking garage, emergency room, medical office, and other hospital uses; or


    Consists of at least 35 contiguous acres and contains a college or university; or


    Is a retail center located along International Speedway Boulevard on sites exceeding 35 acres or located along the west side of Atlantic Avenue (A1A) on sites exceeding 25 acres; or


    Is located in a T-1 or PD-RD district and is located on the east side of Atlantic Avenue (A1A) south of International Speedway Boulevard, on a site consisting of at least six acres.


    For purposes of paragraph 1 above, property is contiguous where it is separated only by a public road.


    The CSP shall:


    Identify all existing and proposed signs by general location and size; and


    Be consistent with the comprehensive plan; and


    Comply with the intent and purpose of Section 6.10, Signage and, if applicable, Section 4.6.B, Hospital/Medical (HM), or Section 4.6.C, Major Sports (MS).


    To the extent the CSP includes standards different from those in this Code, the CSP shall control development of signs on the property subject to the CSP. To the extent the CSP does not address a particular subject, this Code shall control.


    CSPs shall be subject to review and recommendation by the Planning Board and approval by resolutions of the City Commission at a public hearing. CSPs applying to a development within a Redevelopment Area shall be submitted for review and recommendation by the Redevelopment Board for that area prior to Planning Board or City Commission.


    To the extent the CSP applies to a PD-RD district, the CSP shall reference the recorded Planned District Agreement by Book and Page and be recorded by the applicant in the Volusia County Public Records.

(Ord. No. 15-24, § 3, 1-21-2015; Ord. No. 15-133, § 1, 5-20-2015; Ord. No. 15-313, § 3(Exh. B), 12-16-2015; Ord. No. 15-314, § 1, 12-16-2015; Ord. No. 16-26, § 1(Exh. A), 1-20-2016; Ord. No. 17-357, § 1, 11-1-2017; Ord. No. 18-179, §§ 1—4, 5-16-2018)