§ 6.11. Neighborhood Compatibility Standards.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Purpose and Intent. The purpose of these neighborhood protection standards is to provide a proper transition and ensure compatibility between single-family detached dwelling, duplex, and townhouse subdivision development and other more intense forms of development. More specifically, it is the intent of these standards to:


    Protect the character of existing neighborhoods consisting of single-family detached dwelling, duplex, or townhouse subdivision development from potentially-adverse impacts resulting from more intense and incompatible adjacent forms of development;


    Limit interruptions in vehicular and pedestrian connections created by efforts to segregate uses through deep setbacks and excessively wide perimeter landscaping buffers; and


    Establish or maintain vibrant pedestrian-oriented areas where differing uses can operate in close proximity to one another.






    Except as otherwise provided in paragraph 2 below, these standards apply to new multifamily and nonresidential development when located on land adjacent to, or across a street or alley from, existing single-family detached dwelling, duplex, or townhouse subdivision development.


    For the purposes of this section, "multifamily and nonresidential development" shall include the following:


    Mixed-use development;


    Live/work units;


    Multifamily (dwellings and complexes);


    Uses in the Group Living Uses, Government Uses, and Health Care Uses Categories;


    Uses in the Commercial Use and Industrial Use Classifications.




    These neighborhood compatibility standards shall not apply when the adjacent single-family detached dwelling, duplex, or townhouse subdivision development is located on a lot within a nonresidential district or a Transitional Overlay zoning district .


    These neighborhood compatibility standards shall not apply to hospice residential facilities.


    Existing Development. Expansions of or structural alterations to multifamily and nonresidential development made after March 1, 2015 shall be subject to these standards if the total cost of expansions and structural alterations made during any five-year period exceeds 20 percent or more of assessed value of the principal structure at the time of the latest expansion or alteration.


    Timing of Review. Review for compliance with these standards shall occur at the time of review for any of the following applications for a development permit (as appropriate):


    Planned Development (see Section 3.4.F);


    Special Use Permit (see Section 3.4.G);


    Public or Semipublic Use Permit (See Section 3.4.H);


    Site Plan (see Section 3.4.I);


    Certificate of Appropriateness (see Section 3.4.J); or


    Building Permit (see Section 3.4.R);


    Conflict. In the case of conflict between these standards and other standards in this Code, the more restrictive standard shall control. The more restrictive standard shall be the one that further limits development potential, seeks to provide a greater measure of compatibility protection, or retains or protects existing native vegetation or natural resources.


    Compatibility Standards. Development subject to this section shall comply with the following standards:


    Off-Street Parking.


    The total amount of off-street parking shall not exceed 1.1 times the required minimum specified in Table 6.2.C, Off-Street Parking Space Standards, and may be reduced through an alternative parking plan (see Section 6.2.F, Off-Street Parking Alternatives) that demonstrates such reduction will not have an adverse impact on the adjacent single-family detached dwelling, duplex, or townhouse subdivision development.


    When required, off-street parking shall be established in one or more of the following locations, listed in priority order:


    Adjacent to off-street parking lots serving nonresidential uses on abutting lots;


    Adjacent to lot lines abutting nonresidential development;


    Adjacent to lot lines abutting mixed-use development; or


    Adjacent to lot lines abutting single-family detached dwellings, duplexes, or townhouse subdivisions.


    Parking structure facades adjacent to single-family detached dwellings, duplexes, or townhouse subdivisions shall be configured to appear as articulated or landscaped building walls, to soften their visual impact.


    Off-street surface parking areas located adjacent to single-family detached dwellings, duplexes, or townhouse subdivisions shall be screened by a Type D perimeter buffer (see Section 6.4.D.2, Perimeter Landscaping Strips).


    Building Placement. Multifamily and nonresidential development shall be oriented to face similar forms of development on adjacent or opposing lots rather than single-family detached dwelling, duplex, or townhouse subdivision development, to the maximum extent practicable.


    Building Height.


    Buildings subject to these standards shall maintain a maximum height in accordance with Table 6.11.C.3, Maximum Height in Transitional Areas:

    Table 6.11.C.3, Maximum Height in Transitional Areas
    Distance from Single-Family Dwelling, Duplex,
    or Townhouse Subdivision

    Maximum Height
    Less than 75 feet
    Lesser of: 3 stories or 35 feet
    76 to 125 feet
    Lesser of: 4 stories or 45 feet
    126 to 175 feet
    Lesser of: 5 stories or 55 feet
    176 or more feet
    Applicable zoning district maximum
    1. All required minimum zoning district setbacks shall apply.



    Buildings over three stories in height shall be broken up into modules or wings with the smaller and shorter portions of the structure located adjacent to single-family detached dwelling, duplex, or townhouse subdivision development (see Figure 6.11.C.3:, Building height modulation.).


    Figure 6.11.C.3: Building height modulation.


    Building Massing and Articulation.




    Building facades facing single-family detached dwelling, duplex, or townhouse subdivision shall be configured to appear as a series of distinct building modules, storefronts, wings, projections, or recesses meeting the following standards:


    Each individual module, storefront, wing, projection, or recess shall maintain a minimum width of at least 20 feet and a maximum width of 40 feet (see Figure 6.11.C.4.a: Building massing.).


    Projections or recesses shall maintain a minimum offset of two feet from the primary building façade wall plane.


    Exterior, open corridors facing a single-family detached dwelling, duplex, or townhouse subdivision are prohibited on multifamily and visitor accommodation building facades.


    Figure 6.11.C.4.a: Building massing.


    Architectural Features. Buildings subject to these standards shall use similarly sized and patterned architectural features such as windows, doors, awnings, arcades, pilasters, cornices, and other building features found on adjacent single-family detached dwelling, duplex, or townhouse subdivision development.


    Building Roof Form.


    Buildings subject to these standards shall include roof forms that incorporate changes in roof plane or slope with at least a three-foot projection, recess, ridge or valley no less than every 30 feet, overhanging eaves at least five feet wide, or parapet walls with three-dimensional cornices.


    Structures on lots abutting a single-family detached dwelling, duplex, or townhouse subdivision shall maintain a pitched roof within 100 feet of the lot line shared with such development.


    All roof-mounted equipment shall be configured so as to avoid or minimize its view from adjacent streets and single-family detached dwellings, duplexes, or townhouse subdivisions to the maximum extent practicable.


    Building Materials.


    Glazing. Building facades facing single-family detached dwelling, duplex, or townhouse subdivision development shall incorporate glazing in accordance with Table 6.11.C.6.a, Glazing Standards:

    Table 6.11.C.6.A: Glazing Standards
    Building Story Minimum Facade Area Percentage to be Glazed
    1 st Floor 50%
    2 nd Floor 35%
    3 rd or Higher Floor 25%
    1. The facade area shall be measured from the grade to the underside of the eaves, or from story line to story line on upper building stories.
    2. Facades abutting sidewalks, plazas, gathering areas, or other pedestrian areas shall incorporate transparent glazing.
    3. The first two feet of facade area closest to the grade are not required to be glazed and shall be excluded from the facade area calculation.





    Building facades shall incorporate a coordinated color scheme consisting primarily of matte finishes.


    Glossy paint finishes may be used for trim and accents; fluorescent or metallic paint is prohibited.


    Colors and finishes shall be consistent throughout an individual development.


    Exterior Materials. Facades facing single-family detached dwelling, duplex, or townhouse subdivision development shall comply with the following exterior materials standards:


    Materials and material configurations shall be consistent with those commonly used on single-family detached dwellings, duplexes, and townhouse subdivisions in the City.


    Plywood, concrete block, and corrugated metal are prohibited as exterior materials.


    Split-face masonry unit and vinyl siding shall not exceed 25 percent of a building façade.


    Site Features.


    Loading, Service, and Refuse Collection Areas. Loading, service, and refuse collection areas shall be:


    Screened from view of single-family detached dwellings, duplexes, and townhouse subdivisions using materials that are the same as, or of equal quality to, the materials used for the principal building; or


    Incorporated into the overall design of the site so that the visual and acoustic impacts of these functions are fully contained within an enclosure or are otherwise out of view from adjacent properties and public streets.


    Drive-Through Service Facilities.


    In no instance shall a drive through or pick-up window be located on a building façade that faces a single-family detached dwelling, duplex, or townhouse subdivision.


    Order boxes associated with a drive through or pick-up window shall be at least 300 feet from a lot containing a single-family detached dwelling, duplex, or townhouse subdivision.


    Exterior Lighting. Exterior lighting shall:


    Have a maximum height of 15 feet if within 50 feet of a lot containing a single-family detached dwelling, duplex, or townhouse subdivision development and 30 feet if within between 50 and 100 feet of such lot; and


    Be configured so that the source of illumination is not visible from public street right-of-way or an adjacent single-family detached dwelling, duplex, or townhouse subdivision development.


    Signage Standards.


    To the maximum extent practicable, signage shall be located a minimum of 50 feet from lot lines shared with a single-family detached dwelling, duplex, or townhouse subdivision.


    Within 50 feet of lot lines shared with a single-family detached dwelling, duplex, or townhouse subdivision, the maximum sign copy area for freestanding, ground, and wall signs shall be reduced by 25 percent.


    Signage within 20 feet of a lot line shared with a single-family detached dwelling, duplex, or townhouse subdivision shall be limited to directional or incidental signage.


    Open Space Set-Asides.


    Required open space set-asides shall be located between a proposed development and an adjacent single-family detached dwelling, duplex, or townhouse subdivision to the maximum extent practicable.


    Outdoor recreation features such as swimming pools, tennis courts, playgrounds, and similar features shall be at least 50 feet from any lot line shared with a single-family detached dwelling, duplex, or townhouse subdivision.


    Utilities. All utilities serving individual buildings or developments shall be located underground.


    Perimeter Fence or Wall.


    Where a multifamily residential or institutional development abuts a single-family detached dwelling, duplex, or townhouse subdivision, an opaque fence six feet high shall be provided along the perimeter of the development site to help screen the development from view of the single-family detached dwelling duplex, or townhouse subdivision, in addition to the perimeter buffer standards of Section 6.6, Perimeter Buffers.


    Where a commercial, industrial, or mixed-use development abuts a single-family detached dwelling, duplex, or townhouse subdivision, an opaque wall six feet high shall be provided along the perimeter of the development site to help screen the development from view of the single-family detached dwelling, duplex, or townhouse subdivision, in addition to the perimeter buffer standards of Section 6.6, Perimeter Buffers.


    Operational Standards. Development subject to these standards shall:


    Prohibit outdoor dining or other outdoor activities within 100 feet of single-family detached dwellings, duplexes, and townhouse subdivisions after 10:00 p.m. Sunday through Thursday nights and midnight on Friday and Saturday nights;


    Limit trash collection or other service functions to only between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.; and


    Extinguish amplified music, singing, or other forms of noise audible at lot lines shared with single-family detached dwellings, duplexes, and townhouse subdivisions after 10:00 p.m. Sunday through Thursday nights, and 12:00 p.m. Friday and Saturday nights.