§ 6.19. Property Maintenance.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Residential Property Maintenance.


    Purpose. These property appearance standards are intended to minimize the blight and loss in economic values which may otherwise result in residential areas from the proliferation of hazards, nuisances, unsanitary conditions, and other conditions visible from public view or adjoining lands, which may offend the visual sensibilities of the average person so as to materially and economically detract from the district or neighborhood in which the property is located.


    Applicability. These residential appearance standards shall apply in all zoning districts within the City, and to all new and existing residential uses within the City.


    Site Appearance Standards. All residential lands shall conform to the following site appearance standards:


    Storage. Storage of building materials, commercial and industrial equipment, materials, objects or waste relating to commercial or industrial uses, or any equipment, materials or objects that are not incidental to a residential use, shall be prohibited. In addition, storage of firewood, brush, logs or any other material intended to be used in fireplaces or other permitted burning facilities, shall be permitted only in side or rear yards and only when such materials are stored in such a manner so as not to constitute a fire hazard.


    Laundry Poles and Lines. All laundry poles or lines for the drying of clothes shall be constructed and maintained only in the rear yard.


    Landscaping. Lawns, grass, landscaping and ground covering shall be reasonably maintained. Lawns, grass or grass-like ground coverings, hedges and bushes shall be trimmed and kept from becoming overgrown and unsightly. The terms, "reasonably maintained" and "unsightly," shall be interpreted with reference to the visual sensibilities of the average person and the degree to which the condition may tend to materially and economically detract from the district or neighborhood in which the land is located.


    Structural Appearance Standards. The exterior of every structure or accessory structure, including fences, shall be maintained in good repair as set forth in this section. For purposes of this section, good repair shall be deemed to mean that:


    All exterior parts are weathertight and capable of resisting decay or deterioration from any cause;


    All surfaces are free of broken windows, crumbling brick or stone, peeling paint or any other condition reflective of deterioration or inadequate maintenance, including all exterior walls, parapet walls, chimneys and other exterior structures either above or below the roof line;


    Any buckled, rotted or decayed or deteriorated walls, doors, windows, porches, floors, steps, ceilings, posts, sills, trim, sidings and roofs and their missing members are promptly repaired and put in good condition, and all replacements match and conform to original design or are replaced completely;


    All exterior surfaces which have deteriorated, decayed, disintegrated, been weathered with dirt and grime, or impaired through peeling or flaking of the paint or other protective coating, shall be promptly repaired, repainted or resurfaced, and shall be repaired, repainted or resurfaced in preparation of any repainting or recoating;


    All bare exterior surfaces which are flaking or crumbling shall be promptly replaced or sealed in a good and workmanlike manner, and all new or repaired bare surfaces shall be painted or coated; and


    All gutters and downspouts shall be placed and maintained to collect surface water from roofs, and rusted, broken or damaged gutters and downspouts shall be promptly repaired or replaced.


    Enforcement. These residential property appearance standards may be enforced against any property owner, operator, or tenant.


    Commercial Property Maintenance. All commercial properties shall be maintained so as to conform to the approved site plan.